Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MeandMarj: Won't be noticed on a galloping horse.

Alison: Grandmother, want to wash my dishes for me?
Grandmother: I want you to wash them, dry them, and put them away. Oh, you have a wrinkle in your skirt.
Alison: Oh no, really? I just ironed it. Do I need to go iron it again?
Grandmother: Oh, it won't be noticed on a galloping horse.
Alison: Well, I certainly won't be galloping on a horse today!
Grandmother: Well, that's what my mother used to always say...Why does your skirt sit low on your hips that way? It should be at your waste!
Alison: I'm just so skinny that it doesn't fit around my waste..look!
Grandmother: Oh! You are right. Okay...better buy some skirts that fit you properly!

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