Sunday, August 21, 2011

MeandMarj: We didn't even have a car.

Grandmother: We didn't even have a car when we were first married!
Alison: How did you get around?
Grandmother: One time we were coming back from New York to Philadelphia and we were in a really small car. It didn't even have a back seat, and I was curled up behind the driver in the back window!
Alison: Grandpa let you do that!?!
Grandmother: He must have been the one in the passenger seat. We even lived in this housing project.
Alison: Grandmother, I don't think you mean "the projects".
Grandmother: Yes, that's what they were. There were four apartments attached to each other. And one time, my father was visiting and he sat up all of the sudden and said he heard a dog running around. And he said he didn't know we had a dog. Of course, we didn't. But you see, the other apartments were adjacent to ours and the walls were so thin! It was the neighbor's dog!! 
Grandmother starts laughing away...
Alison: Oh my gosh! What did your dad say?
Grandmother: He just laughed!

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