Saturday, July 30, 2011

MeandMarj: What are you going to do today?

Grandmother: Have you had your breakfast today?
Alison: Not yet, I'm going to have it right now.
Grandmother: Want some orange juice?
Alison: No, thank you. I'll have coffee.
Grandma: What's wrong with you? You don't like orange juice?
Alison: I just don't want any right now. Thank you, though.
Grandma: Did you wash and dry and put away all your dishes?
Alison: I thought you liked to do that?
Grandma: I like to do my own, not yours. Now, what are you doing today?
Alison: Going to the jewelry store, the monogram shop, and doing laundry. I need to get ready for Steve's birthday next week. He is turning 31.
Grandma: 31! When's he getting married?
Alison: You better ask him that!
Grandma: Okay, I will!

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