Tuesday, December 24, 2013

MeandMarj: Yeah! Shut him up!

Steve: Grandmother, you look beautiful tonight!
Grandmother: Yeah.
Steve: You are a great grandmother.
Grandmother: Uh huh.
Steve: You really are great.
Alison: Oh wow, Steve.
Grandmother: Yeah! Shut him up! 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

MeandMarj: They were good!

Alison: Grandmother, how was your sticky bun this morning?
Grandmother: They were good!
Alison: They? You had more than one?
Grandmother: 'Fraid so
Alison: Well, at least you are honest.

Friday, November 1, 2013

MeandMarj: With the tall man?

Alison: Twenty-seven days until Thanksgiving!
Grandmother: You are coming here, I hope.
Alison: Yes ma'am.
Grandmother: With the tall man?
Alison: Just me.
Grandmother: Oh.

MeandMarj: Well, if you ever need a place to live...

Alison: The thought of buying a house is scary!
Grandmother: Well, if you ever need a place to live, there are plenty of bedrooms here!

MeandMarj: Don't forget!

Grandmother: When are you coming this way again?
Alison: November 17th.
Grandmother: Okay, don't forget!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

MeandMarj: Qu'est que c'est?

Alison: Grandmother, do you want to run the Turkey Trot with me on Thanksgiving?
Grandmother: Qu'est que c'est?
Alison: A 5-mile race.
Grandmother: You can count me out!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Meandmarj: I'm old and decrepit.

Alison: Keep moving.
Grandmother: But I'm old and decrepit.
Alison: Why are you old and decrepit?
Grandmother: 'Cause I am.

MeandMarj: I always love coming home.

Alison: Are you happy to be home?
Grandmother: I always love coming home. I love my house and everything in it!

Meandmarj: Fun, my eye!

Alison: Grandmother, I ran 10.5 this morning and Steve ran 14.
Grandmother: What is wrong with you people?
Alison: What do you mean?
Grandmother: Why do you do such crazy things?
Alison: It's fun.
Grandmother: Fun, my eye!
Alison: What does that mean?
Grandmother: I don't know.

Friday, August 30, 2013

MeandMarj: That's terrible!

Grandmother: How much do you pay for a haircut?
Dad: I don't know...$12 or $14.
Grandmother: Oh no! That's terrible!

MeandMarj: You are wearing that!?!

Grandmother: Where are we going?
Alison: To the club for lunch.
Grandmother: You are wearing THAT to the club!?!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

MeandMarj: Lots of ducks and other animals...

Alison: Old McDonald had a farm, e i e i o.
Grandmother: And on that farm he had a...
Alison: What did he have on that farm?
Grandmother: Lots of ducks and other animals!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

MeandMarj: I was expecting Steve.

Grandmother: Thank you for coming to get me.
Alison: Of course, why wouldn't I?
Grandmother: I was expecting Steve.
Alison: I'm sorry to disappoint you.
Grandmother: It's okay.

MeandMarj: You mean, "old hag!"

Steve: How are you doing, little lady?
Grandmother: You mean, "old hag!"

Saturday, July 20, 2013

MeandMarj: I don't ever need anything!

Grandmother: Georgetown used to have nice shops.
Alison: They don't anymore?
Grandmother: I don't know, I haven't been there in so long.
Alison: Do you want to go there?
Grandmother: No, I hate shopping. I despise it!
Alison: Wow, those are strong words - what if you need something?
Grandmother: I don't ever need anything!

Meandmarj: They look like something from Pittsburgh!

Grandmother: Where did you get those shoes?
Alison: A running store in Pittsburgh.
Grandmother: They look like something from Pittsburgh!

MeandMarj: Goodness gracious!

Alison: Grandmother, what should I wear today?
Grandmother: You already have something on.
Alison: But this is my running outfit.
Grandmother: It's pretty awful. What is that orange and hot pink?
Alison: Yeah!
Grandmother: Goodness gracious!

MeandMarj: You don't want to go to Ohio!

Alison: Going to Ohio.
Grandmother: You don't want to go to Ohio!
Alison: Why don't I want to go to Ohio?
Grandmother: I don't know.
Alison: Why did you say that?
Grandmother: I just don't like the name of it...O Hi O.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

MeandMarj: Yeah, get it over with!

Alison: Grandmother, should I go to church at 7:45 or 10:30 tomorrow morning? I think 7:45.
Grandmother: Yeah, get it over with!

MeandMarj: Wouldn't it be great if George Washington showed up?

Grandmother: I love this town! Can you believe people have been coming to this farmers' market for over 200 years?
Alison: Crazy!
Grandmother: Wouldn't it be great if George Washington showed up?

MeandMarj: Your kneecaps are weird looking!

Grandmother: Your knee caps are weird looking!
Alison: Oh? Why?
Grandmother: I don't know why. They just are, especially that one!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

MeandMarj: It's beautiful!

Grandmother: Your pie is beautiful!
Alison: Thanks grandmother! I would have never guessed you would have said that!
Grandmother: Well, the apples aren't done... It would have been perfect if you left it in a little longer.

MeandMarj: You don't even know how to cut an apple!

Alison: I'm going to the store to get apples for an apple pie.
Grandmother: Why are you going to make an apple pie?
Alison: Because it's the 4th of July!

Grandmother: Those are the wrong kind of apples.
Alison: Okay. Well, we will see how it tastes.
Grandmother: You don't even know how to cut an apple!
Alison: Okay, then you do it.
Grandmother: These are eating apples, not cooking apples.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

MeandMarj: Ms. Tappy

Grandmother: How do you dance to that music?
Alison: Oh, Grandmother.
Grandmother: I learned to dance in Bremerton, Washington and our teacher was named Ms. Tappy.

Friday, June 21, 2013

MeandMarj: That sofa looks brand new!

Grandmother: That sofa looks brand new! And I've had it for a 100 years.
Alison: You take such wonderful care of your things.
Grandmother: I know!

MeandMarj: You might find someone you like better than the one you have!

Grandmother: I'm sorry I don't have any gentlemen friends to introduce you to.
Alison: But Grandmother, I'm engaged.
Grandmother: What difference does that make? You might find someone you like better than the one you have!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

MeandMarj: I thought you'd never ask!

Alison: Grandmother, would you like a piece of chocolate?
Grandmother: I thought you'd never ask!

MeandMarj: It's pretty too!

Alison: This is so pleasant out here.
Grandmother: And it's pretty too!
Alison: Well, Grandmother, if it wasn't pretty, it wouldn't be pleasant now, would it?
Grandmother: Oh, it is pleasant. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

MeandMarj: Are you in a phone booth?

Grandmother: Hello.
Alison: Hi Grandmother! It's Alison...how are you?
Grandmother: I'm alright for an old lady. Where are you calling from?
Alison: The Cleveland airport. I'm waiting for Steve to pick me up.
Grandmother: Are you in a phone booth?
Alison: No, I have a cell phone and I can call you from anywhere!
Grandmother: Oh?
Alison: Steve just arrived! Here he is!
Steve: Hi G-ma.
Grandmother: Steve, is that you? Pick up your passenger and go home. Thank you for calling. Good bye.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

MeandMarj: But baby, it's cold outside!

Grandmother: But baby, it's cold outside! I mean, in this bed!

MeandMarj: I like to make faces!

Alison: What are you doing? Why are you making those faces?
Grandmother: I like making faces!
Alison: Why?
Grandmother: Because its fun!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

MeandMarj: Oh, yes, I do!

Alison: I have something special for dessert!
Grandmother: Ice cream?
Alison: Yes ma'am! Would you like it in a cup or a cone?
Grandmother: Ooh, a cone!
Alison: Ready? You don't have to clean your plate.
Grandmother: Oh, yes, I do!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

MeandMarj: That's BS!

Steve: Good night! We'll see you tomorrow. Toast and cornflakes for breakfast.
Alison: No, no, no! We need something special for tomorrow! It's Mother's Day! We need to celebrate!
Grandmother: Why?
Alison: Because of the fabulous mother and grandmother you are!
Grandmother: That's BS!
Alison: Grandmother! That's not true at all! You are a wonderful grandmother! Remember all the clothes you made us and all the tea parties and sewing lessons we had?
Grandmother: Oh yeah!
Alison: See? You are wonderful!
Grandmother: Well, you are great granddaughters!
Alison: Aww. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

MeandMarj: You look like a nice business lady!

Grandmother: That's a new suit, isn't it?
Alison: It is!
Grandmother: I like it!
Alison: Well, thank you!
Grandmother: You look like a nice business lady!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

MeandMarj: I didn't say I would go to Cleveland!

Grandmother: I'll decorate your apartment or house for you.
Alison: Really?
Grandmother: Sure!
Alison: You'll come to Cleveland?
Grandmother: I didn't say I would go to Cleveland.
Alison: But that's where my apartment will be. Steve's job is there.
Grandmother: Forever?
Alison: No.
Grandmother: Well, there you go!

Friday, April 5, 2013

MeandMarj: That's a bunch of nonsense!

Grandmother: What are you doing this evening?
Alison: Going to dinner.
Grandmother: Are you going to cook it?
Alison: No, I don't know how to cook.
Grandmother: That's a bunch of nonsense!

Monday, April 1, 2013

MeandMarj: Not funny, "haha", but crazy!

Alison: What are you doing?
Grandmother: Looking out the window.
Alison: Do you see anything interesting?
Grandmother: Well, sorta.
Alison: Oh really? What?
Grandmother: See that house across the street...it used to be all stucco...now it's just all kinda funny. Not funny, "haha", but crazy!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

MeandMarj: I thought it was today!

Alison: Tomorrow is your birthday!
Grandmother: Really? I thought it was today!

MeandMarj: Gee! That's neat!

Dad: Are you ready for your birthday?
Grandmother: Nope.
Dad: Well, at 12:01 am, you'll be 93, whether you are ready or not.
Grandmother: 93? Gee! That's neat!

Friday, March 29, 2013

MeandMarj: Ice Cream?

Alison: I have desert for you!
Grandmother: Ice Cream?
Alison: No...
Grandmother: Aw, heck!

MeandMarj: What are you going to do? Give me a Rolls Royce?

Alison: Are you excited for your birthday on Sunday?
Grandmother: Naw, I haven't even thought of it.
Alison: I'm excited!
Grandmother? You are? What are you going to do? Give me a Rolls Royce?
Alison: Whoa! Grandmother, you have quite high expectations!

Monday, March 25, 2013

MeandMarj: Why don't you get dressed?

Grandmother (in her robe): Why don't you get dressed? 
Alison: Why don't you get dressed?
Grandmother: Why don't you get dressed?
Alison: Why don't you get dressed?
Grandmother: That's a good idea.
Alison: Let's go! Come on!
Grandmother: Why don't you get dressed?

MeandMarj: Oh gosh!

Alison: I leave tomorrow.
Grandmother: What's tomorrow?
Alison: Tuesday.
Grandmother: When do you come back?
Alison: Friday morning.
Grandmother: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - Oh Gosh! That's a long time!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

MeandMarj: People would think that was crazy!

Alison: Grandmother, are you awake?
Grandmother: Uh...sorta.
Alison: Well, I'm home and I had a great night with my friend, Lindsay, and you know what she said?
Grandmother: What?
Alison: Is Grandmother going to be a bridesmaid? Will you be a bridesmaid?
Grandmother: Hahaha, no!
Alison: Why not?
Grandmother: People would think that was crazy!
Alison: So? Come on! It will be fun!
Grandmother: Go to bed!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

MeandMarj: I'm okay - but just barely!

Grandmother: I can barely walk!
Alison: Are you okay?
Grandmother: I'm okay - but just barely!

MeandMarj: Because you don't know how!

Grandmother: Where is my chef?
Alison: Are you hungry?
Grandmother: Yes!
Alison: Why can't I cook you dinner?
Grandmother: Because you don't know how!

MeandMarj: Oh! Okay!

Alison: Come join me in the living room.
Grandmother: Oh! Okay!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

MeandMarj: That's me!

Alison: Good morning!
Grandmother: What time is it?
Alison: 8:30! Sleepy head!
Grandmother: That's me!

Monday, March 18, 2013

MeandMarj: No, and I don't care!

Alison: Grandmother! 13 days until your birthday.
Grandmother: So?
Alison: Do you know how old you'll be?
Grandmother: No, and I don't care!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

MeandMarj: Aren't your feet cold?

Grandmother: Aren't your feet cold?
Alison: No.
Grandmother: Where are your slippers?
Alison: I don't have any slippers.
Grandmother: Well, we need to go downtown and hunt for some slippers. By "downtown," I mean right here in Old Town, Alexandria

MeandMarj: I hate talking on the phone!

Grandmother: You do a good job of speaking on the telephone.
Alison: Well, thank you!
Grandmother: I hate talking on the phone!
Alison: How do you like to communicate?
Grandmother: Write them a note.
Alison: Anything else?
Grandmother: No.

MeandMarj: You were in the kitchen!?!

Grandmother: Tell me all about your party!
Alison: All the guests arrived, and we had wine and cheese in the living room for about half an hour, and then we went to the dining room for salad, and then we came into the kitchen ...
Grandmother: You were in the kitchen!?!
Alison: Just to serve our plates...I didn't know how much everyone wanted so I let them serve themselves...I guess I could have served it in the kitchen and taken the plates into the dining room.
Grandmother: That would've been preferred!

MeandMarj: Make sure no one runs off with it!

Grandmother: Oh good, you are setting the table. Oh good, you are using my good silver too!
Alison: Is that okay?
Grandmother: Sure, just make sure no one runs off with it!

Friday, March 8, 2013

MeandMarj: Oh, poo!

Grandmother: What do you want for breakfast?
Alison: A 5-mile run.
Grandmother: Oh, poo!

MeandMarj: It looks like I don't do any work!

Alison: Grandmother, your nails look great - I like your nails shorter!
Grandmother: I like them longer so it looks like I don't do any work!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

MeandMarj: Well, they won't fall out in one night!

Grandmother: Okay, you can tuck me in.
Alison: But you didn't brush your teeth!
Grandmother: Well, they won't fall out in one night!

MeandMarj: That was when my father's ship came in!

Alison: Wait - your mother was married on Friday, October 13th!!?!
Grandmother: If that's what is says.
Alison: Why did your mother get married on a Friday?
Grandmother: That was when my father's ship came in!

Monday, March 4, 2013

MeandMarj: Why not?

Alison: Okay, Grandmother, don't misbehave today!
Grandmother: Why not?
Alison: Okay, fine - misbehave!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

MeandMarj: I wish this pile of dirt would disappear!

Alison: What are you looking at?
Grandmother: Just the cars going by, see whose coming home, I just like to look out the window!
I wish this pile of dirt would disappear.

MeandMarj: You fell for it?

Steve: How come your Granddaughter likes fancy restaurants then?
Grandmother: I don't know - you fell for it?

MeandMarj: I just like plain old food!

Grandmother: He called me up and we started dating!
Alison: Where did you go in Boston on your dates?
Grandmother: On the street right near where I lived. What was the name of that street? Maybe it was Newbury. There were a number of inexpensive restaurants. We always went to this one cheap restaurant.
Steve: Cheap? Why did you let him take you to a cheap restaurant? You didn't want to go to fancy restaurants?
Grandmother: I don't like fancy restaurants. I just like plain old food!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

MeandMarj: They are jazzy!

Grandmother: Are those new pants? Where did they come from?
Alison: They are new! They are from J.Crew!
Grandmother: They are jazzy!

MeandMarj: I guess I can't run away even if I tried!

Alison: Welcome home! Have you ever ridden in a cop car before?
Grandmother: No! That was the first time. They were so nice! I guess I can't run away even if I tried!
Alison: What did they say to you?
Grandmother: They just came up to me and said, "Are you Marjorie Corle? Would you mind coming with us?"
Alison: You were willing to go with them?
Grandmother: They were so nice!
Alison: Did you ask if they were going to take you home?
Grandmother: I just said I lived a couple of blocks away - which was true - and then they explained. Since there were two of them, I wasn't frightened.
Alison: What did they explain?
Grandmother: I don't really remember.
Alison: Did you like riding in the cop car?
Grandmother: They were going to put me in the back but one said, "I think you should sit in the front," and I wasn't going to argue with them because they were cops!

MeandMarj: Not North, Not West, Not East, but South!

Alison: Here's a napkin!
Grandmother: Cheers to the future Mr. and Mrs. South! Not North, Not West, Not East, but South!

Friday, March 1, 2013

MeandMarj: Don't work too hard!

Alison: Hi Grandmother, it's Alison. I'm at work, but I'm just calling to see that you had your breakfast.
Grandmother: I'm having it right now
Alison: What are you eating?
Grandmother: Cornflakes.
Alison: Perfect! There are some bananas and blueberries you could put on your cereal, too.
Grandmother: Great! Now where are you calling from?
Alison: I'm at work - working hard!
Grandmother: Don't work too hard!
Alison: Okay, I won't see you tonight!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

MeandMarj: I am Chanel No.5.

Alison: Good morning! You smell like Chanel No.5.
Grandmother: I am Chanel No.5.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

MeandMarj: Are you going to dress me?

Alison: I have an idea! Lets go to the club for dinner tonight!
Grandmother: I don't have any money!
Alison: You don't need money, you have your club number.
Grandmother: I don't know my number.
Alison: That's okay! I do!
Grandmother: I don't even know how to get to the club.
Alison: I do!
Grandmother: Okay...are you going to dress me?
Alison: Yup! I know how to do that too! Lets go!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

MeandMarj: I hate those pillows!

Grandmother: I need new pillows for that sofa! I hate those pillows!
Alison: Wow! Those are strong words!
Grandmother: What?
Alison: "Hate those pillows!"
Grandmother: Well, I do!

MeandMarj: And there was light!

Grandmother: You can't very well see over there.
Alison: Yes, I can.
Grandmother: Turn on the light.
Alison: It won't turn on....what are you doing?
Grandmother: I'm going to turn it out...turn on light...
Alison: I think it needs a new bulb. I'll go get it.
Grandmother: Do you know where they are?
Alison: Yes, because I bought them yesterday.
Grandmother: Okay.
Alison: Here you go.
Grandmother: Wait, let me fix it.
Alison: Yay! And God said, "Let there be light."
Grandmother: And there was light!

MeandMarj: Who gave you that ring?

Grandmother: Who gave you that ring?
Alison: Who do you think?
Grandmother: I don't know.
Alison: Steve - I'm going to marry him!
Grandmother: That's great!

MeandMarj: It's going to pots!

Alison: Did you see this? The US Postal Service will end Saturday delivery.
Grandmother: I can't believe it.
Alison: Our country is really changing!
Grandmother: Changing!?! It's going to pots!

MeandMarj: Well, you aren't an artist!

Grandmother: Phooey, this looks terrible!

Alison: I think it looks great.
Grandmother: Well, you aren't an artist!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

MeandMarj: $3!?!

Grandmother: Don't forget to pack your lunch.
Alison: Well, there really isn't anything I want to pack - I can get a sandwich at work for only $3.
Grandmother: $3!?! That sounds like a lot!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

MeandMarj: Are you just getting up?

Grandmother: Anybody down there?
Alison: Good morning!
Grandmother: Are you just getting up?
Alison: No, I met my friend for 4.5 mile run this morning. 
Grandmother: Oh no!

MeandMarj: That doesn't appeal to me!

Grandmother: What are you eating???
Alison: Toast with peanut butter and bananas on top - its delicious - have some!
Grandmother: That doesn't appeal to me!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

MeandMarj: I just made it!

Grandmother: Do you know I made this rug?
Alison: No I didn't - how did you make it?
Grandmother: I just made it - you can tell.
Alison: How?
Grandmother: At school, when we lived in Providence, there was a place that taught you how to make rugs.
Alison: It's a really pretty rug.
Grandmother: Yeah, it is!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

MeandMarj: Don't rip it! Don't rip it!

Alison: Let's go upstairs and find your wedding dress!
Grandmother: Now?
Alison: You don't want to?
Grandmother: I didn't say, "No."
Alison: Okay, let's go!
Grandmother: I think that's it.
Alison: Uh oh, I don't think it's going to fit.
Grandmother: Don't rip it! Don't rip it!
Alison: I won't! I got it off ... Maybe I could do something with the fabric?
Grandmother: You will not do anything with that dress!
Alison: Okay!

Friday, January 25, 2013

MeandMarj: Just looking at somebody's red car out front.

Alison: Does looking out the window make you want to go outside?
Grandmother: Not especially. Just looking at somebody's red car out front.
Alison: I wonder whose that is.
Grandmother: I have no idea.

MeandMarj: Just some cars parking.

Alison: What's going on out there?
Grandmother: Nothing, just some cars parking...one right across the street.
Alison: Interesting.
Grandmother: There goes a cat.
Alison: Uh oh...watch out for those cats.
Grandmother: There it goes again.

MeandMarj: Lord only knows!

Grandmother: Then my mother's family - the Armours you know what they did?
Alison: SPAM.
Grandmother: They were meat packers from Chicago. They made a lot of money.
Alison: What happened to all that money?
Grandmother: Lord only knows!

MeandMarj: Let's google him!

Grandmother: My ancestors go right back to the founding fathers.
Alison: Let's google them! Do you know what google is?
Grandmother: Goooogle? No. What is it?
Alison: It is a search engine.
Grandmother: Yup, I was a Dudley.
Alison: Then what happened?
Grandmother: I got married.

MeandMarj: Back in 16 something.

Alison: I'm a US Citizen.
Grandmother: Glad to hear it.
Alison: I'm not an Resident Alien. Are you an alien?
Grandmother: No.
Alison: When did your ancestors get here?
Grandmother: Back in 16 something. 1630 something.

MeandMarj: We lived in a housing project.

Grandmother: We lived in a housing project. There were four units and we lived in one unit in the end. Let's see ... we had more fun! On Saturday night we'd always party.
Alison: Where would you party?
Grandmother: At the club.
Alison: What would you do the other nights of the week?
Grandmother: We would eat with friends in their units.
Alison: Were you happily married?
Grandmother: Oh yeah, we had fun. We had lots of fun.
Alison: Was it weird to live with a man though?
Grandmother: Noooooo!

MeandMarj: Oh, we had fun!

Alison: Tell me a story.
Grandmother: I don't have any stories.
Alison: What was it like when you first got married?
Grandmother: Oh, we had fun! We use to go to the club every Saturday night and have more fun!
Alison: What would you do?
Grandmother: We just had fun.
Alison: How? What was fun?
Grandmother: I don't know...there was a group of us that always went together. Of course, we didn't have a car but all of our friends did.
Alison: How did you get around without a car?
Grandmother: All of our friends had cars.
Alison: Didn't you feel like an imposition?
Grandmother: Not at all...we would go with them.
Alison: So, what was your first car?
Grandmother: Oh gosh, I don't remember.

MeandMarj: We have to go up to the market, don't we?

Alison: What do you want to do tomorrow?
Grandmother: Tomorrow is Saturday right?
Alison: Yes, it is!
Grandmother: We have to go up to the market, don't we?
Alison: Of course! Even in the snow!
Grandmother: Well, I hope it stops snowing.

MeandMarj: Your little red car is still there!

Grandmother: Your little red car is still there!
Alison: That's good. I'm glad no one has taken it!

MeandMarj: I don't know.

Alison: How was your dinner?
Grandmother: My dinner?
Alison: Yes, your dinner. What did you have?
Grandmother: I don't know.
Alison: Did you like it?
Grandmother: I guess I did - I ate all of it.

MeandMarj: I was flabbergasted!

Alison: Can you believe it snowed?
Grandmother: When I woke up and saw that it had snowed...I was flabbergasted! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

MeandMarj: I hate for you to go all the way downstairs!

Alison: Okay, good night!
Grandmother: Wait a minute, I hate for you to go all the way downstairs to the basement!
Alison: You want to walk me downstairs and then I'll walk you back upstairs?
Grandmother: Ha..no! But you can move upstairs if you want! Why don't you move upstairs to that bedroom down the hall?
Alison: Okay, I'll think about it!

MeandMarj: Aw, heck!

Grandmother: Where are you going?
Steve: Back to Cleveland.
Grandmother: Aw, heck! We'll miss you!

MeandMarj: Have you signed my guest book?

Grandmother: Have you signed my guest book?
Alison: But, Grandmother, I live here.
Grandmother: Not really.
Alison: But, I really do. I work in Bethesda and I live in your basement. It's been a year and a half.
Grandmother: Oh.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

MeandMarj: You like simple things.

Alison: Doesn't it feel great to have a hot shower and a light massage?
Grandmother: I guess so.
Alison: I would love it.
Grandmother: You like simple things.

MeandMarj: You are so gross!

Alison: Okay, my turn to shower now.
Grandmother: You are going to shower?
Alison: Yes, I just worked out...I'm gross.
Grandmother: You are so gross!

Friday, January 18, 2013

MeandMarj: You wear too much black!

Grandmother: You wear too much black!
Alison: Oh? What's wrong with that?
Grandmother: It's the sign of death.
Alison: But, look at all these white socks!
Grandmother: All that is your laundry?
Alison: Yes, this handful is my laundry.
Grandmother: How much money did you put in the hamper?
Alison: $10.
Grandmother: Let me see it! Laundry costs money around here!

MeandMarj: Bed Time!

Alison: What are you doing?
Grandmother: Waiting for you.
Alison: What do you want to do?
Grandmother: Well, its 8:30 by my watch.
Alison: Ready to go to bed?
Grandmother: That's what I was thinking.
Alison: Or we could go out?
Grandmother: We don't have anyone to go out with.
Alison: We could go out together.
Grandmother: Oh, that would be fun.
Alison: It sounds like you are being sarcastic!
Grandmother: Oh.
Alison: Okay, let's go to bed.
Grandmother hops right into bed
Alison: Don't you want to wash your face?
Grandmother: If I don't wash my face, it isn't going to kill me.
Alison: That's true.
Grandmother: Okay, crack open the window.
Alison: Here you go..okay..good night.
Grandmother: Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

MeandMarj: Come hell or high water!

Alison: Let me get that for you.
Grandmother: I'm going to get it myself, come hell or high water!

Monday, January 14, 2013