Sunday, September 23, 2012

MeandMarj: Jeeeeepers!

Alison: I can't believe its 6 o'clock already.
Grandmother: Time does sure fly by.
Alison: I know! Can you believe you are 92?
Grandmother: Really? Thats how old I am? Are you sure?
Alison: Yes...I'm sure. You were born in 1920 and its 2012. In fact, your birthday is in March and you'll be 93!
Grandmother: Jeeepers!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

MeandMarj: I was wondering whose that was...

Grandmother sees a towel with my monogram on it...
Grandmother: Whose towel is this?  
Alison: Oh, that's mine.
Grandmother: I was wondering whose that was...I thought it was somebody's.

MeandMarj: Not that open!

Alison: Okay good night, you are all tucked in.
Grandmother: Thank you for tucking me in.
Alison: You're welcome.
Grandmother: Leave the door open.
Alison: Okay.
Grandmother: Not that open.
Alison: How's this? (one more inch)
Grandmother: That's good.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

MeandMarj: How about $5?

Grandmother: Now don't let me forget your birthday.
Alison: I won't! But you can just write me a check.
Grandmother: Okay.
Alison: How much do you want to write it for?
Grandmother: How about $5?
Alison: Okay - that will get me my coffee on my birthday :-)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

MeandMarj: Thank you! No...Thank you!

Grandmother: Thank you for everything.
Alison: No, thank you for letting me live with you.
Grandmother: No, thank you for taking care of me!

MeandMarj: She got it from me!

Looking at old pictures....
Alison: Look at Tory's hair - it was so blonde and it still is! Where did she get that hair?
Grandmother: She got it from me! I have white hair.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

MeandMarj: The Romney Poster Resurfaces!

Alison: Ah, the Romney poster is back! Where did you find it?
Grandmother: I don't know...around here somewhere?
Alison: But where?
Grandmother: I don't know....

MeandMarj: Wait - you have to tuck me in!

Alison: Did you brush your teeth?
Grandmother: Yes.
Alison: Okay, why isn't your toothbrush wet? Let's brush your teeth. Okay, good night!
Grandmother: Wait - you have to tuck me in!
Alison: Okay, I'm waiting....
Grandmother: Okay, good night.
Alison: Now, you are all tucked in. Good night!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

MeandMarj: The Romney Poster Mystery

Dad brings home a Romney poster and places it in the front window of the house. That evening it is out of the window. We put it back in the window and it gets taken out of the window every day for about a week and placed on the ground below the window. Eventually it can no longer be found...two weeks later I am fluffing up the sofa pillow in the grand salon when I find the Romney poster under the sofa cushion!

We put the poster back in the window and come home this evening to find the poster is missing...again! It is no longer under the sofa cushion...

Alison: Grandmother, where is the Romney poster?
Grandmother: I don't know.
Alison: You didn't put it under the sofa cushion did you?
Grandmother: No.
Alison: Where did you put it?
Grandmother: I didn't do anything with it.
Alison: You must know where it is!
Grandmother: I have no idea....

MeandMarj: We gotta go to bed!

Grandmother: We gotta go to bed!
Alison: Okay, let's go.
Grandmother: Because by my watch, it's 12 minutes to 9.
Alison: Okay, lets go.

MeandMarj: Is it Friday?

Grandmother: How was your day?
Alison: Ugh, I'm glad it's over.
Grandmother: Is it Friday?
Alison: It's only Tuesday!
Grandmother: Oh no!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

MeandMarj: Happy Grandparents' Day!

Alison: Happy Grandparents' Day!
Grandmother: Oh?
Alison: We need to celebrate you for being a fabulous Grandmother!
Grandmother: I'm not fabulous.
Alison: Why not? Don't you think it's pretty generous of you to let me live here?
Grandmother: No. I have plenty of bedrooms.
Alison: Okay!

Friday, September 7, 2012

MeandMarj: She comes to town and you don't feed her?

Alison: My friend is coming into town tomorrow night - where should we go to dinner?
Grandmother: That's not very nice. She comes to town and you don't feed her?
Alison: Given my experience in the kitchen, I think it would be more insulting if I tried to cook something.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

MeandMarj: Where are you going dressed like that?

Grandmother: Where are you going dressed like that?
Alison: The gym.
Grandmother: It's too late.
Alison: No, it's not! It's only 7:30.
Grandmother: Well, you aren't going!
Alison: Grandmother - I worked all day long and should have woken up at 5 but I slept in and didn't get up until 7 and worked from 8 to 8 and all I want to do is go to the gym for half an hour.
Grandmother: Okay, half an hour!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

MeandMarj: That's the tall man!

Grandmother: That's the tall man! And that's the short girl!

MeandMarj: Someone always puts toothpaste on my toothbrush!

Grandmother: Someone always puts toothpaste on my toothbrush.
Alison: Who do you think?
Grandmother: I have no idea!

MeandMarj: Yup!

Alison: Are you glad you finished?
Grandmother: Yup! Because it's upstairs in my drawer and I can go upstairs and show it to you. Do you have a degree?
Alison: Yes, I do. I have 3.
Grandmother: What? Really?
Alison: Yes, I do!
Grandmother: You are such a smarty!

MeandMarj: What was I?

Grandmother: You weren't in a sorority?
Alison: I was! Chi Omega - go Chi O! Chi Omega - go Chi O!
Grandmother: What was I?
Alison: Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Grandmother: I didn't join until I was at UCLA. There was no reason to at Duke. I needed a place to live at UCLA.
Alison: Oh, Grandmother.
Grandmother: It's true!
Alison: Did a lot of women go to college then?
Grandmother: Oh Duke, they had a woman's campus and a men's campus.
Alison: Did you see the men?
Grandmother: Oh sure, we use to date them and everything else, but they were on separate campuses.
Alison: Did you keep up with your Kappa sisters from UCLA?
Grandmother: No, because I have my degree from Boston University. I started in Duke, then I transferred. My father went to the Pacific Fleet out of Long Beach California, so I transferred out there. He was out there for 2 years and then he transferred back to the east coast. I never thought I'd get out of school. I was determined. I was a very determined person. I have my degree right upstairs in my drawer. I was determined.
Alison: Why were you so determined?
Grandmother: I just was. I was a very determined person when it came to getting my degree.

MeandMarj: Just don't go.

Alison: I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
Grandmother: Don't go.
Alison: Then what?
Grandmother: You get fired.
Alison: And then what do I do?
Grandmother: Come home.

MeandMarj: We always shared our birthday!

Alison: What theme should I have for my birthday party this year?
Grandmother: Priscilla and I always shared a birthday. Mother would throw the party in between our birthdays. Priscilla's birthday is March 27 and mine is March 31.
Alison: What would you have at the party?
Grandmother: We would always have a white cake with yellow candles.
Alison: What else?
Grandmother: Well, that was about I recall.

MeandMarj: Work? No, really?

Alison: I'm glad to be home!
Grandmother: I'm glad you feel you are at home. What made you decide to come up this way?
Alison: Well, I have a job at Marriott. I'm going to work tomorrow.
Grandmother: Work? No, really?
Alison: Yes, I have to go to work tomorrow.
Grandmother: You really do?
Alison: Yes. Can I stay here for awhile?
Grandmother: You can stay as long as you like.

Monday, September 3, 2012

MeandMarj: I was looking for my table and chairs!

Alison: Look at the nice "Thank You" note my friend wrote me.
Grandmother: I was looking at this and it says, "Thank you for the patio table and chairs," and I looked outside and didn't see my patio table and chairs and thought you gave her mine.
Alison: Oh, Grandmother - I wouldn't do that! Your table and chairs are being repaired.
Grandmother: Oh, okay... I didn't know what to think!

MeandMarj: The husband makes the money - you spend the money!

Alison: But when you are married, you have to share everything!
Grandmother: Like?
Alison: Like your money.
Grandmother: The husband makes the money - you spend the money!