Saturday, March 30, 2013

MeandMarj: I thought it was today!

Alison: Tomorrow is your birthday!
Grandmother: Really? I thought it was today!

MeandMarj: Gee! That's neat!

Dad: Are you ready for your birthday?
Grandmother: Nope.
Dad: Well, at 12:01 am, you'll be 93, whether you are ready or not.
Grandmother: 93? Gee! That's neat!

Friday, March 29, 2013

MeandMarj: Ice Cream?

Alison: I have desert for you!
Grandmother: Ice Cream?
Alison: No...
Grandmother: Aw, heck!

MeandMarj: What are you going to do? Give me a Rolls Royce?

Alison: Are you excited for your birthday on Sunday?
Grandmother: Naw, I haven't even thought of it.
Alison: I'm excited!
Grandmother? You are? What are you going to do? Give me a Rolls Royce?
Alison: Whoa! Grandmother, you have quite high expectations!

Monday, March 25, 2013

MeandMarj: Why don't you get dressed?

Grandmother (in her robe): Why don't you get dressed? 
Alison: Why don't you get dressed?
Grandmother: Why don't you get dressed?
Alison: Why don't you get dressed?
Grandmother: That's a good idea.
Alison: Let's go! Come on!
Grandmother: Why don't you get dressed?

MeandMarj: Oh gosh!

Alison: I leave tomorrow.
Grandmother: What's tomorrow?
Alison: Tuesday.
Grandmother: When do you come back?
Alison: Friday morning.
Grandmother: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - Oh Gosh! That's a long time!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

MeandMarj: People would think that was crazy!

Alison: Grandmother, are you awake?
Grandmother: Uh...sorta.
Alison: Well, I'm home and I had a great night with my friend, Lindsay, and you know what she said?
Grandmother: What?
Alison: Is Grandmother going to be a bridesmaid? Will you be a bridesmaid?
Grandmother: Hahaha, no!
Alison: Why not?
Grandmother: People would think that was crazy!
Alison: So? Come on! It will be fun!
Grandmother: Go to bed!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

MeandMarj: I'm okay - but just barely!

Grandmother: I can barely walk!
Alison: Are you okay?
Grandmother: I'm okay - but just barely!

MeandMarj: Because you don't know how!

Grandmother: Where is my chef?
Alison: Are you hungry?
Grandmother: Yes!
Alison: Why can't I cook you dinner?
Grandmother: Because you don't know how!

MeandMarj: Oh! Okay!

Alison: Come join me in the living room.
Grandmother: Oh! Okay!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

MeandMarj: That's me!

Alison: Good morning!
Grandmother: What time is it?
Alison: 8:30! Sleepy head!
Grandmother: That's me!

Monday, March 18, 2013

MeandMarj: No, and I don't care!

Alison: Grandmother! 13 days until your birthday.
Grandmother: So?
Alison: Do you know how old you'll be?
Grandmother: No, and I don't care!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

MeandMarj: Aren't your feet cold?

Grandmother: Aren't your feet cold?
Alison: No.
Grandmother: Where are your slippers?
Alison: I don't have any slippers.
Grandmother: Well, we need to go downtown and hunt for some slippers. By "downtown," I mean right here in Old Town, Alexandria

MeandMarj: I hate talking on the phone!

Grandmother: You do a good job of speaking on the telephone.
Alison: Well, thank you!
Grandmother: I hate talking on the phone!
Alison: How do you like to communicate?
Grandmother: Write them a note.
Alison: Anything else?
Grandmother: No.

MeandMarj: You were in the kitchen!?!

Grandmother: Tell me all about your party!
Alison: All the guests arrived, and we had wine and cheese in the living room for about half an hour, and then we went to the dining room for salad, and then we came into the kitchen ...
Grandmother: You were in the kitchen!?!
Alison: Just to serve our plates...I didn't know how much everyone wanted so I let them serve themselves...I guess I could have served it in the kitchen and taken the plates into the dining room.
Grandmother: That would've been preferred!

MeandMarj: Make sure no one runs off with it!

Grandmother: Oh good, you are setting the table. Oh good, you are using my good silver too!
Alison: Is that okay?
Grandmother: Sure, just make sure no one runs off with it!

Friday, March 8, 2013

MeandMarj: Oh, poo!

Grandmother: What do you want for breakfast?
Alison: A 5-mile run.
Grandmother: Oh, poo!

MeandMarj: It looks like I don't do any work!

Alison: Grandmother, your nails look great - I like your nails shorter!
Grandmother: I like them longer so it looks like I don't do any work!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

MeandMarj: Well, they won't fall out in one night!

Grandmother: Okay, you can tuck me in.
Alison: But you didn't brush your teeth!
Grandmother: Well, they won't fall out in one night!

MeandMarj: That was when my father's ship came in!

Alison: Wait - your mother was married on Friday, October 13th!!?!
Grandmother: If that's what is says.
Alison: Why did your mother get married on a Friday?
Grandmother: That was when my father's ship came in!

Monday, March 4, 2013

MeandMarj: Why not?

Alison: Okay, Grandmother, don't misbehave today!
Grandmother: Why not?
Alison: Okay, fine - misbehave!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

MeandMarj: I wish this pile of dirt would disappear!

Alison: What are you looking at?
Grandmother: Just the cars going by, see whose coming home, I just like to look out the window!
I wish this pile of dirt would disappear.

MeandMarj: You fell for it?

Steve: How come your Granddaughter likes fancy restaurants then?
Grandmother: I don't know - you fell for it?

MeandMarj: I just like plain old food!

Grandmother: He called me up and we started dating!
Alison: Where did you go in Boston on your dates?
Grandmother: On the street right near where I lived. What was the name of that street? Maybe it was Newbury. There were a number of inexpensive restaurants. We always went to this one cheap restaurant.
Steve: Cheap? Why did you let him take you to a cheap restaurant? You didn't want to go to fancy restaurants?
Grandmother: I don't like fancy restaurants. I just like plain old food!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

MeandMarj: They are jazzy!

Grandmother: Are those new pants? Where did they come from?
Alison: They are new! They are from J.Crew!
Grandmother: They are jazzy!

MeandMarj: I guess I can't run away even if I tried!

Alison: Welcome home! Have you ever ridden in a cop car before?
Grandmother: No! That was the first time. They were so nice! I guess I can't run away even if I tried!
Alison: What did they say to you?
Grandmother: They just came up to me and said, "Are you Marjorie Corle? Would you mind coming with us?"
Alison: You were willing to go with them?
Grandmother: They were so nice!
Alison: Did you ask if they were going to take you home?
Grandmother: I just said I lived a couple of blocks away - which was true - and then they explained. Since there were two of them, I wasn't frightened.
Alison: What did they explain?
Grandmother: I don't really remember.
Alison: Did you like riding in the cop car?
Grandmother: They were going to put me in the back but one said, "I think you should sit in the front," and I wasn't going to argue with them because they were cops!

MeandMarj: Not North, Not West, Not East, but South!

Alison: Here's a napkin!
Grandmother: Cheers to the future Mr. and Mrs. South! Not North, Not West, Not East, but South!

Friday, March 1, 2013

MeandMarj: Don't work too hard!

Alison: Hi Grandmother, it's Alison. I'm at work, but I'm just calling to see that you had your breakfast.
Grandmother: I'm having it right now
Alison: What are you eating?
Grandmother: Cornflakes.
Alison: Perfect! There are some bananas and blueberries you could put on your cereal, too.
Grandmother: Great! Now where are you calling from?
Alison: I'm at work - working hard!
Grandmother: Don't work too hard!
Alison: Okay, I won't see you tonight!