Sunday, April 29, 2012

MeandMarj: Gosh, that's old!

Grandmother: You have to sign my guestbook! 
Alison: But, Grandmother, I live here!
Grandmother: This book is so old, it's falling apart. 
Alison: Let's see, the first entry - October 4, 1960. 
Grandmother: And what year is it?
Alison: 2012. 
Grandmother: Gosh, that's old!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

MeandMarj: What is that awful looking stuff?

Grandmother: What is that awful looking stuff?
Alison: Its coffee!!!! It's delicious!
Grandmother: Ugh - how do you drink it?
Alison: Actually, I didn't like it until I lived in Paris.
Grandmother: Well, I lived in Paris and I still don't like coffee!

Friday, April 27, 2012

MeandMarj: Now, that was a dream!

Alison: Good Morning!
Grandmother: Where are you going?
Alison: I just got back from my run.
Grandmother: It's 7:30...already?
Alison: Yes, how did you sleep last night?
Grandmother: I don't know, I was asleep.
Alison: I had a dream you were running with me.
Grandmother: Now, that was a dream!

MeandMarj: Crooked as a dog's tail!

Grandmother: Don't you believe in a straight part? Your part is as crooked as a dog's tail! 
Alison: All dogs' tails are crooked?
Grandmother: Some are!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

MeandMarj: I thought it was love!

Grandmother: What are you reading?

Alison: Mountains Beyond Mountains. "Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure the World is a non-fictionbiographical work by American writer Tracy Kidder. The story traces the life of physician and anthropologist Paul Farmer. The book was a New York Times Notable Book for 2003." This one scene describes the generosity of a donor. I guess money really makes the world go 'round!
Grandmother: I thought it was love!
Alison: Aw, that's so nice!
Grandmother: I think so, too!

MeandMarj: I'll eat whatever you put in front of me.

Grandmother: Where is your father?
Alison: He is at dinner with his friends. What would you like for dinner?
Grandmother: I'll eat whatever you put in front of me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

MeandMarj: Anyone down there?

Grandmother: Anyone down there?
Alison: Yes! I'm here!
Grandmother: What are you doing?
Alison: Getting ready for work. It's Tuesday. I have to go to work. But I get paid on Thursday.
Grandmother: Is this your first paycheck?
Alison: Haha - no. I have been there for 10 months already.
Grandmother: That's impossible!

MeandMarj: What on earth are you doing down there?

Grandmother: What on earth are you doing down there?
Alison: I'm drying my hair. I'm getting ready for work, and I shower and dry my hair before I go to work.
Grandmother: Oh.

MeandMarj: I don't use my Visa.

Alison: Okay, I'm going to the store. We are out of milk and OJ.
Grandmother: Let me give you money.
Alison: But you don't have any.
Grandmother: Let me write you a check.
Alison: Okay.
Grandmother: Oh look, I only have a $1.
Alison: Well, let me take your Visa.
Grandmother: No, I don't use my Visa at the store.
Alison: Then, why do you have it?
Grandmother: I just don't use it!

Monday, April 23, 2012

MeandMarj: Can you find your way home?

Alison: Wait, do you have toothpaste on your toothbrush?
Grandmother: No.
Alison: Okay, let's put some toothpaste on that toothbrush! Okay, good night!
Grandmother: Wait, I'm almost done.
Alison: Okay, time to go to bed.
Grandmother: Can you find your way home?
Alison: I think so! Good night! Sleep well!

MeandMarj: That's right!

Alison: Let's get a dog! Look at this one - he is so cute!
Grandmother: Aw, is he ready to be taken home now?
Alison:  Yes, all these dogs need to be adopted - but you don't want to get a dog you can't take care of.
Grandmother: That's right! They need to be walked every morning, noon, and night!
Alison: Do you want to walk a dog every morning, noon, and night?
Grandmother: No.

MeandMarj: Marj's Mother

Grandmother: You never knew my mother, did you?
Alison: No - isn't that sad?
Grandmother: Yes, I just looked over at that picture of her and her dog. They loved each other! Can't you tell they loved each other?
Alison: Aw, she is beautiful.
Grandmother: And he is so handsome!
Alison: Did you want to get a poodle?
Grandmother: No, that was her dog! Heidi!
Alison: What was her middle name?
Grandmother: "Ila" and she hated it!
Alison: Why did she hate it?
Grandmother: Well, I don't much like it either! Do you? I can understand why she didn't like it!

MeandMarj: Gone with the Wind

Grandmother: I started reading Gone with the Wind again. Have you ever read it?
Alison: No, I haven't.
Grandmother: Oh, its a great book. I remember I read it in high school - in the 1930s.
Alison: Did everyone have to read it in high school?
Grandmother: No.
Alison: You just chose to read it?
Grandmother: Yes.
Alison: What did you like about it?
Grandmother: It's just a good story - Margaret Mitchell, she was a southern lady who wrote it, you know. She wrote it back in 19...19 something.
Alison: 1936.
Grandmother: I was going to say 1938.
Alison: How old were you?
Grandmother: I was in high school.
Alison: You were 16. What was it like being 16 in 1936?
Grandmother: I don't know.
Alison: You were there.
Grandmother: I know, but I don't remember what it was like!
Alison: Did you have a boyfriend?
Grandmother: They used to walk home with me from school because we lived in the same neighborhood, but I wouldn't call that being a boyfriend.

MeandMarj: Why would I want to go all the way out there?

Grandmother: Where are you calling from?
Louise: New Orleans.
Grandmother: All the way down there?
Louise: Yes, I'm still here, but I'm moving. Do you remember where?
Grandmother: Portland, Oregon.
Louise: Yes! You must come visit me!
Grandmother: Why would I want to go all the way out there? To that God forsaken place?

Friday, April 20, 2012

MeandMarj: Fine ... I guess.

Alison: Good Morning! How are you?
Grandmother: Fine..I guess.
Alison: You guess?
Grandmother: What day is it?
Alison: Friday - Yay! Its the weekend!
Grandmother: So, you don't have to work tomorrow?
Alison: No, but I'm going to Pennsylvania.
Grandmother: Oh no, I'll miss you!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MeandMarj: You don't have to worry about that!

Grandmother: Where are you going now?
Alison: For a run.
Grandmother: At this hour?
Alison: Grandmother, its only 7 and I just got home from work...there are only so many hours in the day.
Grandmother: What do you want to do that for?
Alison: To stay in shape - so I don't get fat.
Grandmother: You don't have to worry about that.
Alison: Yes, I do!
Grandmother: No you don't , your mother wasn't fat, her mother wasn't fat.
Alison: But exercise is good for you.
Grandmother: Is it?

MeandMarj: You are all in black - are you mourning?

Grandmother: You are all in black - are you mourning?
Alison: Ha! No. You aren't dressed yet!
Grandmother: I don't feel well.
Alison: We should go to the doctor.
Grandmother: I don't feel that bad!

MeandMarj: You gotta see this!

Grandmother: How much did you spend at the store? Let me reimburse you.
Alison: It was $17, but I don't think you have any money.
Grandmother: Let me see - you never know!
Alison: Okay...
Grandmother: Oh, this is great! You gotta see this!
Alison: What? We hit the jackpot?
Grandmother: I have $1!
Alison: Okay, well, I can't take your last $1. Thank you for putting a roof over my head last night!

Friday, April 13, 2012

MeandMarj: It takes an effort to court a girl!

Grandmother: When does steve get here?
Alison: Hopefully, soon!
Grandmother: It takes an effort to court a girl. When I use in school in Boston, my parents were in Portsmouth, and Fred would take the train up to visit on the weekend. That's were they built ships and submarines. 
Alison: Oh really? Wow!
Grandmother: Yes, it takes an effort for him driving all that way.
Alison: Aww, you are right!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MeandMarj: That is the strangest combination!

Alison: Good Morning!
Grandmother: Do you have to go to work?
Alison: Yes.
Grandmother: Oh, darn! Did you have your breakfast?
Alison: Yes, I had two hardboiled eggs and a piece of toast.
Grandmother: Two hardboiled eggs and toast? That is the strangest combination.
Alison: What's so strange about hardboiled eggs?
Grandmother: It just is.

Monday, April 9, 2012

MeandMarj: 2 Eggs!?!

Grandmother: What did you have for breakfast?
Alison: 2 hardboiled eggs. 
Grandmother: 2!?!

Didn't know 2 hardboiled eggs would result in such a reaction!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

MeandMarj: Why on Earth did you decide to wash your hair at this hour of the day?

10 am on Sunday - getting ready for church

Grandmother: Ready?
Alison: Almost - need to dry my hair.
Grandmother: Why on Earth did you decide to wash your hair at this hour of the day?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

MeandMarj: I hate doctors!

Grandmother is limping around...

Alison: What's wrong?
Grandmother: My ankle hurts.
Alison: Well, we should go to the doctor - it looks like it really hurts.
Grandmother: No, I don't want to.
Alison: Why not?
Grandmother: I hate doctors!

MeandMarj: Aw, shut up!

Alison: Let's go shower!
Grandmother: Aw, shut up!

Friday, April 6, 2012

MeandMarj: I've never run a 1k!

Alison: Have you ever run a 5k?
Grandmother: I've never run a 1k!

MeandMarj: Aw, heck!

Alison: Grandmother, there is no ice cream in the freezer.
Grandmother: Yes, there is.
Alison: No really, there is nothing in the freezer!
Grandmother: Aw, heck!

MeandMarj: It's cold as blue blazes!

Grandmother: Anyone up down there?
Alison: Yes...I'm getting there.
Grandmother: It's cold as blue blazes! You don't have to work today?
Alison: Tomorrow, I don't have to work.
Grandmother: Oh, darn.
Alison: Get excited for tomorrow!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

MeandMarj: You chose to do that instead of getting married!

Alison: Why do I have to go to work?
Grandmother: Because you chose to do that instead of getting married!
Alison: Well, no one wants to marry me.
Grandmother: That's too bad.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

MeandMarj: Is it?

Alison: Good Morning! How did you sleep last night?
Grandmother: I don't know - I was asleep. What would you like for breakfast?
Alison: Oatmeal, and here are your cornflakes! Isn't it just great having breakfast together!?!
Grandmother: Is it?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

MeandMarj: You certainly don't LOOK undernourished!

Steve: We need to get some breakfast - I'm feeling undernourished.
Grandmother: You certainly don't LOOK undernourished!