Saturday, March 31, 2012

MeandMarj: Why do you want to beat yourself to a pulp?

Alison: Okay, we are going for a quick dinner.
Grandmother: When will you be home?
Alison: Soon - like an hour - we have to get up early for our 10 mile race in the morning!
Grandmother: Why are you doing that? Why do you want to beat yourself to a pulp?
Alison: Its great exercise! Its good for you.
Grandmother: Yeah? Tell me about it.

MeandMarj: I'm going to go poke around the cupboards...

Alison: Are you hungry?
Grandmother: Not really...but I could nimble on something.
Alison: Okay - let's see what's in the kitchen!
Grandmother: I'm going to go poke around the cupboards - come keep me company in the kitchen.

MeandMarj: Golly day!

Grandmother: Where did you say you bought those roses?
Alison: At the Safeway.
Grandmother: Golly day!

MeandMarj: The Best 92nd Birthday Ever!

Alison: Did you have a nice birthday?
Grandmother: It was the best 92nd Birthday ever!

MeandMarj: Tub of guts!

Alison: Let me help you in the car...
Grandmother: Tub of guts!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MeandMarj: Sharing Grandmother stories!

I loved reading this story about a woman caring for her Grandmother!

MeandMarj: You are too much of a businesswoman!

Grandmother: What did you do all day?
Alison: Well... I played with numbers all day long
(as I walk grandmother through a discounted cash flow and net present value calculation, her eyes glaze over
Grandmother: I see that! You are too much of a businesswoman! What if I told you I made a dress today?
Alison: That would be great! Did you?
Grandmother: No.

MeandMarj: Doesn't that sofa always look nice when it's puffed up?

Grandmother: Doesn't that sofa always look nice when it's puffed up?
Alison: It does!
Grandmother: You know, this was the first piece of furniture I ever bought.
Alison: That's not true! You said that about the dining room table downstairs, and the buffet in the dining room!
Grandmother: Well, this sofa was the first piece of furniture I ever owned. Doesn't it look nice? Because I don't let kids jump all over it!
Alison: Who does that?
Grandmother: Lots of people!

Friday, March 23, 2012

MeandMarj: Did you water the pansies?

Alison: Grandmother, did you water the pansies?
Grandmother: Sorta.
Alison: How do you "sorta" water the pansies?
Grandmother: I kinda put water on them.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

MeandMarj: Goodnight, everybody!

Just me in the house

Grandmother: Goodnight, everybody!
Alison: Goodnight, Grandmother!
Grandmother: Goodnight, don't let the bed bugs bite!

MeandMarj: Will you be able to find your way back?

Grandmother: Okay, good night.
Alison: I'll walk you upstairs.
Grandmother: Will you be able to find your way back?
Alison: You can walk me back downstairs.
Grandmother: That could go on for hours!

MeandMarj: Ready to go down to bed?

Alison: Ready to go up to bed?
Grandmother: Yes, are you ready to go down to bed?
Alison: Yes, ma'am!

MeandMarj: That is the craziest looking dinner!

Grandmother: What are you eating?
Alison: An avocado, tomato, cheese, and some triscuits.
Grandmother: That is the craziest looking dinner!
Alison: Why? Don't you like avocados and tomatoes?
Grandmother: Yes, but it's crazy!

MeandMarj: I need ice cream!

I served Grandmother her ice cream...

Grandmother: Why so much? I don't need this much!
Alison: Grandmother, you never NEED ice cream.
Grandmother: Yes, I do! It's good for me!

Monday, March 19, 2012

MeandMarj: Why are they in such a hurry?

Alison: Oh wow - sales of running shoes were up 14% last year!
Grandmother: Everyone must be running.
Alison: Guess so!
Grandmother: Why are they in such a hurry?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

MeandMarj: That's half way across the world!

Alison: Grandmother, can you believe it? Louise is going to Portland!
Grandmother: For how long?
Alison: Five years!
Grandmother: Oh no! That's terrible! That's half way across..the world! She'll probably marry some Portlandite and never come back!
Alison: Don't worry, Grandmother, I'll never get married and live with you forever!
Grandmother: That's great! Marriage is stupid, anyways.
Alison: Really? Why?
Grandmother: It just is!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

MeandMarj: Don't do anything bad!

Grandmother: Whose suitcase is that?
(As I'm carrying it out the door on my way to the airport...)
Alison: It's yours - may I borrow it?
Grandmother: What a perfect time to ask - don't lose it!
Alison: I won't, have a good weekend, don't do anything bad!
Grandmother: Why not?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

MeandMarj: That's the strangest looking thing!

Grandmother: What ARE you eating?
Alison: A bagel.
Grandmother: A bagel? That's the strangest looking thing!

MeandMarj: Why are you getting me up so early?

Alison: Good Morning! Time to get up! It's a beautiful day!
Grandmother: It doesn't look beautiful - it looks like its raining.
Alison: Its beautiful because you are alive and healthy!
Grandmother:Why are you getting me up so early?
Alison: It's 8 am!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

MeandMarj: This is not a turnaround for your car!

Grandmother: This is not a turnaround for your car! People always use my driveway to turn around!
Steve: Why don't you take a bb gun to them?
Grandmother: I've thought of that many times myself!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

MeandMarj: That wasn't fun.

Alison: Want to come downstairs and see my apartment?
Grandmother: Has it changed?
Alison: No, but you can weigh yourself.
Grandmother: I don't want to do that.
Alison: Come on, it's fun! Let's see - 135! Not bad!
Grandmother: Oooh! That's pretty bad.
Alison: Wasn't that fun?
Grandmother: No! That wasn't fun.

MeandMarj: Bills?

Grandmother is looking out the kitchen window...

Alison: Want to retire to the living room?
Grandmother: No - I like looking at the trees.
Alison: Well, I need to go pay some bills.
Grandmother: What are those?
Alison: Ha!