Tuesday, February 21, 2012

MeandMarj: Pet Duck!

Grandmother: The pet duck!

MeandMarj: I'm sorry we had words this morning.

Alison: Time to get dressed!
Grandmother: I don't want to.
Alison: Grandmother! It's Tuesday and you've been in your robe for three days!!!!!!
Grandmother: I don't care and I'm not going to. I'll do it when I want to and don't tell me what to do!!!!! You annoy me!
Alison: That's not true and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have new groceries; the trash wouldn't have been taken out and the recycling wouldn't have been taken to the recycling. I have to go to work.

Calling Grandmother on the way to work

Alison: Grandmother, how are you?
Grandmother: Fine.
Alison: Well the furnace repair man is coming this morning. Please get dressed!
Grandmother: I'm eating my breakfast.
Alison: Okay, well, afterwards.
Grandmother: Okay. I'm sorry we had words this morning.
Alison: Grandmother, it's because I love you and I want you to be healthy.
Grandmother: Okay, have a nice day.

MeandMarj: Don't say that!

Alison: I'm such an idiot!
Grandmother: Don't say that!
Alison: Why?
Grandmother: Because you are not an idiot!
Alison: But I drove over a curb and now I have a flat tire.
Grandmother: But I've never heard of you complain about this before.
Alison: Well, that's true and I'm grateful to have a car...
Grandmother: See! It's really not that bad...
Alison: That's true!

Thank you for putting everything in perspective

MeandMarj: I'm still here!

Alison: Good Morning! How are are you?
Grandmother: I'm still here!

Monday, February 20, 2012

MeandMarj: Poor old George Washington would be rolling over in his grave!

Grandmother: Is that music or just noise?
Alison: Noise.
Grandmother: Poor old George Washington would be rolling over in his grave!

MeandMarj: Look! We are being serenaded!

Grandmother: Come here to the window. Look! We are being serenaded!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

MeandMarj: Have you seen these pictures of Alison and Louise?

Grandmother: Have you seen these pictures of Alison and Louise?
Alison: Yes! That's me.
Grandmother: That's what I said...Alison and Louise.

MeandMarj: I want to get you something more glamorous to sleep in!

Grandmother: I want to get you something more glamorous to sleep in!
Alison: Ha - you don't like my pajamas?
Grandmother: No, you definitely need a pretty nightgown.
Alison: Steve would like that!
Grandmother: But he wouldn't see it.
Alison: Yes, but I'm lounging now and I need something to lounge in.

MeandMarj: Its not running! Its walking!

Alison: Oh, let me get you a tissue! Your nose is running.
Grandmother: It's not running! It's walking!

MeandMarj: Is it morning?

Alison: Good Morning, Grandmother!
Grandmother: Is it morning? What time is it?
Alison:  Yes, ma'am, time to get up! It's 7:45. 
Grandmother: What day is it?
Alison: Thursday! Yay! Tomorrow is Friday!
Grandmother: But, you have to go to work today?
Alison: Yes! Someone has to make the big bucks around here :-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

MeandMarj: This is a pretty room.

Grandmother: This is a pretty room.
Alison: Mmm mmm...
Grandmother: You think so?
Alison: Yes! What is your favorite piece of furniture in this room?
Grandmother: I don't know ... what's yours? I know, that desk where you are sitting!
Alison: Ha! Okay, let me choose....of all the pieces of furniture in this room...my favorite is...this pink sofa.

Grandmother: I bought that at a second hand shop in Paris.
Alison: Oh, that's why I like it!
Grandmother: It used to be gold and I reupholstered it.
Alison: You did?
Grandmother: Of course, if I wanted something...I had to do it myself!

MeandMarj: Valentine's Day!

Alison: Tell me some Valentine's Day memories.
Grandmother: I don't have any.
Alison: So, you have no Valentine's Day memories?
Grandmother: No, sorry.
Alison: But Valentine's Day happens every year.
Grandmother: But I never paid much attention to it. Oh, we used to have a box and we would decorate it with Valentines on it and then we would drop Valentines in it for people in the class.
Alison: Did you ever get some fun ones?
Grandmother: I can't remember.
Alison: Well, you remember the box...what did you do with the box?
Grandmother: I have no idea, honey, and don't ask me again!

MeandMarj: My everything!

Alison: What did you enjoy about your Valentine's Day?
Grandmother: Everything.
Alison: What do you mean everything?
Grandmother: My dessert, my everything!

MeandMarj: Ice Cream Cellar!

Who needs a wine cellar when you can have an ice cream cellar?

MeandMarj: What are all these hearts for?

Grandmother: What are all these hearts for?
Alison: It's Valentine's Day!
Grandmother: Oh, I forgot.
Alison: Well, Happy Valentine's Day!
Grandmother: Maybe your boyfriend will get you a Valentine?
Alison: Won't you be my Valentine?
Grandmother: Always!

Monday, February 13, 2012

MeandMarj: Aw, heck!

Alison: Good Morning!
Grandmother: What day is it?
Alison: Monday!
Grandmother: So, you have to go to work?
Alison: Yes.
Grandmother: Aw, heck!

MeandMarj: The part in your hair is crooked!

Grandmother: The part in your hair is crooked.
Alison: Okay, I'll fix it. It's probably this way from carrying out the recycling and the garbage.
Grandmother: You didn't have to do that!
Alison: Ha - I'd love to see you do it! Well, I gotta run - off to work!
Grandmother: Don't forget to fix your part!

MeandMarj: I will, if you get out of my way!

Alison: Good morning! Let's have breakfast, have a seat!
Grandmother: I will, if you get out of my way!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

MeandMarj: If they need clothes, they just go and buy them!

Grandmother: There used to be a great fabric shop in town on the main drag, but now no one sews anymore.
Alison: Yeah, everyone is lazy.
Grandmother: Everyone is lazy. And now, if they need clothes, they just go and buy them!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

MeandMarj: Before I was a twinkle in anyone's eye...

Grandmother: It was 1912 and my mother was visting her sister in Iowa.
Alison: That was before you were born!
Grandmother: That was before I was a twinkle in anyone's eye!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MeandMarj: Good grief!


Grandmother: Good grief! Look at those heels!
Alison: Do you want shoes like those?
Grandmother: No, but I think I'll go to bed.
Alison: Why?
Grandmother: To get some sleep, and I want to re-guild that mirror.
Alison: Okay, we are going to the art store this weekend!
Grandmother: Maybe.

MeandMarj: Counting my money.

Alison: What are you doing, Grandmother?
Grandmother: Counting my money... $21!
Alison: Don't spend it all in one place.
Grandmother: I'll try not to.
Alison: Are you satisfied with the amount of money?
Grandmother: Not really, but I'll make do.

MeandMarj: Don't get an expensive one!

Dad: Okay, I'm headed home... 
Less than a mile away...
Grandmother: Be safe on your long way home.
Dad: If I'm tired, I'll stop and get a hotel.
Grandmother: Don't get an expensive one!

MeandMarj: Your hair is 3 inches too long!

Grandmother: Your hair is 3 inches too long!
Alison: Why?
Grandmother: It just is - I like it shorter.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

MeandMarj: What town?

Grandmother: What are you screaming about?
Alison: My friend just got asked back for a second interview!
Grandmother: Where?
Alison: For a firm in town.
Grandmother: What town?
Alison: Here! DC! Where we live!

MeandMarj: I can't believe I made it!

Alison: Grandmother, how are you?
Grandmother: Fine. I'm just admiring my foot stool for the 10th time.
Alison: It's beautiful!
Grandmother: I just can't believe I made it!

MeandMarj: That's neat!

Alison: Grandmother, see how the couples' monogram is designed? The wife's initial is small and the last name is large, and then the husband's initial is small. Want to see what mine and Steve's would be?
Grandmother chuckling away...
Grandmother: That's neat!
Alison: Hahaha! I told Steve I couldn't marry him!
Grandmother: Because of that?
Alison: Yes!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

MeandMarj: They treat me like I'm someone special.

Alison: How was Lee (the hairdresser) today? Your hair looks great!
Grandmother: Oh, fine. All the ladies in there, they treat me like I'm someone special. I don't know why.
Alison: Well, that's because you are someone special!
Grandmother: Ha!
Looks in the mirror when we get home...
Grandmother: Oh wow, my hair does look great! Not bad for an old lady!

MeandMarj: That's impossible!

Alison: Oh! Langley is on "It's Academic!" My alma mater!
Grandmother: Oh, you know those people?
Alison: No, they are 16; I'm 12 years older. Ugh, Grandmother - I'm 28!
Grandmother: Well, that's impossible!

Friday, February 3, 2012

MeandMarj: Ice cream for breakfast?

Alison: Good Morning! Grandmother, what are you doing?
Grandmother has her spoon in the quart of ice cream...
Grandmother: What does it look like I'm doing?
Alison: Ice cream for breakfast?
Grandmother: Why not?