Thursday, May 23, 2013

MeandMarj: Are you in a phone booth?

Grandmother: Hello.
Alison: Hi Grandmother! It's are you?
Grandmother: I'm alright for an old lady. Where are you calling from?
Alison: The Cleveland airport. I'm waiting for Steve to pick me up.
Grandmother: Are you in a phone booth?
Alison: No, I have a cell phone and I can call you from anywhere!
Grandmother: Oh?
Alison: Steve just arrived! Here he is!
Steve: Hi G-ma.
Grandmother: Steve, is that you? Pick up your passenger and go home. Thank you for calling. Good bye.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

MeandMarj: But baby, it's cold outside!

Grandmother: But baby, it's cold outside! I mean, in this bed!

MeandMarj: I like to make faces!

Alison: What are you doing? Why are you making those faces?
Grandmother: I like making faces!
Alison: Why?
Grandmother: Because its fun!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

MeandMarj: Oh, yes, I do!

Alison: I have something special for dessert!
Grandmother: Ice cream?
Alison: Yes ma'am! Would you like it in a cup or a cone?
Grandmother: Ooh, a cone!
Alison: Ready? You don't have to clean your plate.
Grandmother: Oh, yes, I do!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

MeandMarj: That's BS!

Steve: Good night! We'll see you tomorrow. Toast and cornflakes for breakfast.
Alison: No, no, no! We need something special for tomorrow! It's Mother's Day! We need to celebrate!
Grandmother: Why?
Alison: Because of the fabulous mother and grandmother you are!
Grandmother: That's BS!
Alison: Grandmother! That's not true at all! You are a wonderful grandmother! Remember all the clothes you made us and all the tea parties and sewing lessons we had?
Grandmother: Oh yeah!
Alison: See? You are wonderful!
Grandmother: Well, you are great granddaughters!
Alison: Aww.