Thursday, November 29, 2012

MeandMarj: I'd sue 'em!

Alison: I'm home!
Grandmother: I'd sue 'em!
Alison: What do you mean?
Grandmother: I'd sue those people you work for! Making you work this late!
Alison: It's only 8. I had work to do. You wouldn't stop making your bed if you were in the middle of it, would you?
Grandmother: Yes, I would!

MeandMarj: Then I'm a triple, triple, triple old witch!

Alison: Tory, so Grandmother flips open the visor and looks in the mirror and goes, "I look like an old witch!"
Grandmother: If you look like an old witch, then I'm a triple, triple, triple old witch!

MeandMarj: I'm trying to read the front of your shirt!

Alison: Can you hear the music?
Grandmother: I'm trying to read the front of your shirt!

MeandMarj: My two front teeth!

Alison: What would you like for Christmas?
Grandmother: My two front teeth!

Friday, November 23, 2012

MeandMarj: I look like an old witch!

Grandmother: I look like an old witch!
Alison: No, you don't!
Grandmother: Yes, I do!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

MeandMarj: I don't care if they are the Orangeskins!

Grandmother: Is anybody watching this football?
Dad: Mom, it's the Redskins!
Grandmother: I don't care if they are the Orangeskins...Blueskins...Whateverskins...

MeandMarj: Turkey?

Alison: Better save room for dessert.
Grandmother: What's for dessert?
Alison: Guess.
Grandmother: Ice Cream!
Alison: Okay, but what would we have for dessert on Thanksgiving?
Grandmother: Turkey?
Alison: For dessert?
Grandmother: Mmmm.
Alison: Pumpkin Pie!
Grandmother: Oh yeah...I forgot...

MeandMarj: You are doing great!

Alison: Grandmother, will you help me with the Waldorf salad?
Grandmother: You can do it.
Alison: But, I don't know how to cut the apple'll say I didn't do it right.
Grandmother: You are doing great!
Alison: But, Grandmother, you aren't even looking.
After Grandmother looks
Grandmother: Oh, you need to cut the pieces smaller.
Alison: See, I told you - you needed to look!

MeandMarj: It looks horrible!

Alison: Grandmother, why don't you go set the table?
Alison: Oh wow...Grandmother, the table looks great.
Grandmother: No, it doesn' looks horrible!
Alison: Oh, whats wrong?
Grandmother: The tablecloth is washed but not ironed.
Alison: Should we take it off and iron it?
Grandmother: No, by the time we cover it up with the plates and serving dishes, no one will notice.
Alison: Okay, sounds good to me.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

MeandMarj: Tomorrow?

Alison: Get excited - tomorrow is Thanksgiving!
Grandmother: Tomorrow? I thought it was two days away.
Alison: No - its tomorrow!
Grandmother: Already?
Alison: Yup!

MeandMarj: You'll learn!

Grandmother: You aren't supposed to brown the edges of your pie like that.
Alison: Okay, I'm sorry I messed it up.
Grandmother: That's okay, you'll learn!

MeandMarj: Ice Cream!

Alison: Grandmother, what are you thankful for?
Grandmother: Ice Cream!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

MeandMarj: She doing good!

Thank you for your note Eden!

MeandMarj: Why are you so late this morning?

Grandmother: What time is it?
Alison: 8:15.
Grandmother: What time do you need to leave for work?
Alison: I should have left already.
Grandmother: Why are you so late this morning?
Alison: I slept in.
Grandmother: Why did you do that?
Alison: I was tired.
Grandmother: Well, shouldn't you get going?
Alison: Yes, ma'am!

MeandMarj: That would be great!

Alison: Please, go get dressed! You are running around here practically naked in your nightgown.
Grandmother: So?
Alison: What would you do if I ran around here naked?
Grandmother: That would be great!

Monday, November 12, 2012

MeandMarj: Go put on your charming clothes!

Alison: I'm taking Steve to a charming hotel.
Grandmother: Well, Steve, you better go put on your charming clothes!
Steve: Okay.
Grandmother: Where is your jacket!?! And tie!?!